Transformers: The Art of Fall of Cybertron

Твердый переплет, 325х250 мм, 200 страниц

The curtain is raised on the biggest and best Transformers game in history! See never-before-revealed art from the genre-smashing Transformers: Fall of Cybertron! Watch as Optimus Prime, Grimlock, Bumblebee, and Shockwave grow from conceptual sketches into finished, fully-realized characters; witness the development of Cybertron into the most detailed renderings of the planet that have ever existed; learn the behind-the-scenes secrets from the visionary artists at Activision and High Moon Studios! The Art of Transformers: Fall of Cybertron is a must-have for any fan of Transformers, gaming, or great art!
For fans who enjoyed: ART OF THE MASS EFFECT UNIVERSE 9781595827685, THE ART AND MAKING OF STAR WARS 9780811875004, HALO: THE ART OF BUILDING WORLDS 9780857685629

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